“Me as a…” The hilarious trend that has taken over Nigerian social media

Human beings are awesome creatures – argue that with God. There are those moments where we can’t help but marvel at how fascinating and incredible certain individuals are. It could be as a result of their natural-born talents, or it could be a product of the training they must have put themselves through. Either way, we all have unique abilities that make us special.

Sometimes, the unique abilities we see in people can often lead us to stray and try and imitate someone else. But if you’ve ever tried to deliver a rendition of a your favourite love song to your high school crush and met with a “stop it you are embarrassing me” attitude, then you are sure to know by now that some things are not for you.

If you look like an epileptic patient having a seizure when you try to dance, or everybody sighs when you announce that you have a song to sing, fear not, you are not alone, many people are dangerously ungifted in some specific areas, and yesterday, Nigerians took to Twitter to highlight this fact.

It is uncertain where the trend originated from, but once it hit the streets of Nigerian Twitter, it took off. Nigerians decided to use humour to comfortably discuss how bad they are at certain things and how bad they would be if they were assigned certain tasks or put under certain circumstances.

The trend “me as a” identifies how frighteningly hilarious or just plain old humorous certain situations are, which on the surface shouldn’t be funny at all. You know those; “we will laugh about this in the future” moments, well this trend takes that a little further. The trend does not only identify our individual shortcomings, it also highlights some problems of the system.

Of course, this trend wouldn’t have been as impactful without one of Osita Iheme’s memes. The actor who has become an icon for his hilarious gestures and facial expression was yet again responsible for another viral trend. Osita Iheme has been a source of joy for Nigerians via the Nigerian movie industry, and now he continues to replicate said joy all over Nigeria’s social media atmosphere.

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cool good eh love2 cute confused notgood numb disgusting fail