Enjoying the day | The Daily Vulnerable

Is anyone else feeling perpetually behind?

Just me?

I’ll explain what it feels like for people who are like nah, I’m good.

It feels like waking up and knowing there are already more tasks in your day than you can possibly complete.

It feels like when you finish one project you can barely stop to appreciate it, because all it means is that now you have to try and catch up on the other ones that you ignored to finish this one.

It feels like your brain can’t possibly hold another podcast or book or TV series recommendation because you’re three years behind and you’ve given up on exchanging that cultural currency anymore.

It feels like the day closes and the sun sets before you even had a chance to get started.

But if that’s what it feels like, what can we do about it?


Let’s…admit…we are never going to catch up.

We are never going to catch up.

And if we know we’re never going to ‘catch up,’ that life is going to be a series of hurry-up-and-wait, sprint-to-the-middle, just-keep-swimming exercises in perpetual motion, isn’t that…reassuring?

Then maybe we could stop and say, Why am I running, anyway? What would this look like if simply and calmly pushed through? What if I took a five-minute walk or read three pages or took 10 minutes for a phone call at the point of my day that could seemingly hold nothing else?

Because if we can’t enjoy what we’re doing, when we’re doing it, then why are we doing it?

If catching up is no longer the goal, then perhaps the goal could be to simply enjoy the day.

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