Eidfest Online: Maintaining emotional connectivity in a period of social distancing

As Muslims in Nigeria and all around the world bid farewell to the holy month of Ramadan, they also prepare for the Eid-ul-Fitr festival. The day of the Eid festival is subject to the moon sighting but it is either on Saturday, May 23, or Sunday, May 24.

Nigeria and other nations are currently taking measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Hence, Eid prayers and other public gatherings have been advised against. Hence, thousands of Muslims will celebrate Eid in their homes with their loved ones.

This development has brought about Eidfest online. It is the brainchild of Eidfest Lagos: an event with the initial aim of giving the Muslim community in Lagos State, Nigeria, a memorable Eid celebration through social events that foster peace and unity, networking opportunities, games, and other fun activities.

Eidfest online will now take place on Instagram live on Eid day in lieu of the Eidfest Lagos celebration that was meant to take place at the Muri Okunola Park VI.

The team at Eidfest strongly believes this event will strengthen connectivity, inspire hope amidst fear, uplift souls, and reignite excitement for the future through this online celebration. Eidfest online: An online event that celebrates Muslims and the conclusion of Ramadan whilst maintaining social distancing and taking other precautions.

The online event features:
❖ Eid Show
❖ Eid Kitchen
❖ Q & A games
❖ EidFest Family challenge
❖ Trivia time with guest hosts
❖ Covid-19 support and feeding program

Eidfest online will be an interactive session between a number of guest hosts and a large Muslim audience. It will also include discussions centered around Ramadan and how to cope with the pandemic. This live event will take place from 12 noon to 6pm on Eid day.

The guest hosts are accomplished individuals in their respective fields and they are: Mory coco, Anto, Bizzle Osikoya, Omololu, Chef Sanni, Feezah, Maram Giwa, Hafsah Dabiri, Taaoma, Mariam Salam, Hameedah salaudeen, and Maryam Salam.

Do not miss out on this opportunity to engage in beneficial discussions, win prizes, and have loads of fun.

“We have a promise to give the Muslim community a memorable experience during the Eid celebration and it still stands even in this unprecedented times of the pandemic.”Ganiy Ridwan -Director, EidFest Lagos

The team at Eidfest online wishes you a safe and blissful socially distanced celebration.

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