Chimamanda Adichie comes under same fire as Rowling over transphobia

There’s a popular saying amongst internet users nowadays that speaks to an increase in complexity as one advances in certain situations.
“There are levels to this.”

When it comes to activism and solving the obscure problems of social inequalities plaguing our human society, this saying couldn’t be any more relatable.

Activism is a phenomenon that has always evolved in the history of man, and it seems that in the never-ending quest to attain conclusive empathy, we learn something new every day. So it is paramount to the progress of our species that everyone is willing to listen, understand and act accordingly to those who are cheated by society.

Without proper research and listening to expert opinions on such matters, it is easy to categorise the problems of every disenfranchised or minority demography in society as the same. And this in itself is only complicating the problem(s) even further. But some people are speaking up and letting others know that every demography has its own unique challenges.

This was the point JK Rowling, author of the famous Harry Potter, was trying to address when she published an essay that basically separated women’s issues from transgender issues.

Fellow author and globally acclaimed feminist, Chimamanda Adiche spoke on the essay and labelled it a ‘reasonable piece.’ Adiche’s approval of Rowling’s essay has brought her under heavy scrutiny, similar to the one that almost drove Rowling into depression.
Some have even decided to cancel Adiche, stating that she is insensitive to the trans movement, for agreeing with Rowling’s essay.

Her core fans and those with similar sentiments have however, refused to ‘un-stan’ her.

The essay which Adiche agreed with, largely spoke about separating women’s right from trans right. The extensive essay had interesting talking points including the bullying and threats one is faced with if they slightly disagree with a trans person.

Rowling highlighted how trans people have taken to labelling women who they feel don’t support them as Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs), a term as abominable as racist.

She also noted that trans activism has been a cover for predatory activities as well as using trans as an excuse to take away freedom of speech of people who may not agree with them.

She spoke of how the trans movement wishes an erosion of women as a political and biological class.

In all, her issue was with how some trans people aggressively try to silence people with labels and how some more fiendish people are using trans as an excuse to mask women issues as trans issues. Rowling argues that they are not the same and women’s issues should be discussed differently from trans issues and Adiche seems to agree.

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